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Arctic desert

July 5th / Sorstraumen-Honnigsvag : 344 km

Jour 12

Today is an important day, because I will be very close from the goal of my trip : North Cape.

The beginning of the road seems like previous days. The first city I enter is Alta. The architecture of this place is surprising, all buildings are around central place, communicating by underground galleries. We can feel how weather can be cold in some days of the year. After dinner, I'm on the road again, and after a few hairpins, I enter a plateau which is like a desert. Only a few stunted grass, stones, and nothing else.

Photo 1Google Earth link : FAQ

Désert arctique

Photo 2

Route déserte

Photo 3

Où suis -je ?

Thanks god I filled my tank, because I won't meet anything 90 km long. This place is not so desert, you have some insects !!!

Photo 4


Don't worry, it's the result of 12 riding days !! I keep going in the middle of nowhere, still the same, but I like it, I feel free (and you can't get speed controls !!)

Photo 5

Rien à l'horizon

Photo 6

Voyageur perdu

Temperature is still pretty nice (17-18 °). But plateau is over, I go downhill, and now I'm facing sea. This is Barents sea, which is in fact Arctic ocean. And you immediately can feel the sea influence, temperature decreses of 4-5 ° in a few kilometers. I don't especially feel like swimming, but that's so nice......

Photo 7

Mer de Barents

I go on the road which leads to north cape, along the sea. There are reindeers everywhere, crossing the road and even more crazy than a chicken !! Take care !!

Photo 8

Crique en Mer de Barents

Photo 9

moto devant la mer de Barents

I go through North Cape tunnel, I pay 15 E (pff), I have a little break in an internet cafe in Honnigsvag , northernmost city of Europe, and I go to camping.

Photo 10

Camping très au nord